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Az egysorú, hengergörgős csapágyak számos kivitelben készülnek, amelyek a vezetővállak elrendezésében különböznek egymástól. A görgőket az egyik csapágygyűrű két válla vezeti meg. A vállakkal rendelkező gyűrű, a hengergörgők, a kosárszerkezet egy egységet képeznek és a másik csapágy függetlenül szerelhetők. Ez leegyszerűsíti a szerelést, különösen olyan esetekben, amikor mindkét gyűrűt szorosan kell illeszteni. A tűgörgős csapágyak kifejezetten kis keresztmetszetű, nagy terhelhetőségű csapágyak. Belső gyűrűvel, vagy anélkül is használhatóak. A belső gyűrű nélküli csapágyak optimális megoldást kínálnak ott, ahol edzett és köszörült tengely áll a rendelkezésünkre. A belső gyűrűs tűgörgős csapágyat ott alkalmazhatjuk, ahol ahol nem lehet, vagy nem gazdaságos a tengelyt megedzeni és megköszörülni. A tűgörgős csapágyak a csapágyon belül lehetővé teszik az axiális elmozdulást. Mély húzott gyűrűs tűgörgős csapágyak: Ahogy a nevében is benne van, a külső gyűrűje egy meglehetősen vékony falú (acéllemez), mély húzott külső gyűrű. Fő tulajdonsága, hogy kicsi a szerkezeti magassága, és nagy a terhelhetősége. Két kivitel létezik: mindkét oldalán nyitott kivitelű és amelyiknek az egyik oldala zárt, tengelyvégre való felhasználáshoz.

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f you are looking to buy an exercise machine for your home, or are looking to set up your own home gym and want to know which product(s) to buy, you have come to the right place because we continue to review all of the best home fitness equipment on this website.

This includes the popular cardio machines such as exercise bikes, treadmills, elliptical trainers and rowing machines, as well as strength training equipment such as benches, home gyms, pull-up bars, dumbbells and barbells.

Plus if you enjoy performing high intensity workouts at home that don’t require any equipment, we also review many of the most popular fitness DVDs that are being released each year because these are ideal if you want to lose weight and improve your overall fitness level.

You can find reviews of all of these products and see which ones we most recommend by clicking on one of the drop-down menus at the top of this page Exercise Equipment Review.

However here is a quick guide to all of these products, and why you should consider using them:

Exercise Bikes
Woman Riding Stamina CPS 9300 Exercise BikeExercise bikes are widely considered to be the most popular exercise machine, and it is easy to see why because they provide a low impact workout that is easy on the joints and are very easy for anyone to use, whilst offering a range of health and fitness benefits.

Each 25-30 minute workout can burn upwards of 250 calories, so they are great for those people who want to lose weight, but they also offer a good cardiovascular workout that will help improve your overall fitness levels and help lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar and prevent any heart problems.

If you would like to buy one of these machines, you can choose from a traditional upright bike, a recumbent bike or an indoor cycling / spin bike.

→ Click here to read our exercise bike buyer’s guide

Rowing Machines
Stamina 1050 RowerAnother machine that offers a really good cardiovascular workout, and is also easy on the joints, is the rowing machine.

A rowing machine will also help you burn lots of calories (up to 13 per minute), which makes them ideal for weight loss, but unlike an exercise bike that primarily works your leg muscles, this machine will help to tone up and strengthen many different muscle groups, including your arms, shoulders, back and legs, as well as your core muscles.

The cheapest rowing machines will tend to use hydraulic resistance to vary the intensity, but you can also pay a little more for an indoor rower that uses magnetic, wind or water resistance.

→ Click here to read our rowing machine buyer’s guide

Elliptical Trainers
Man Using Sole E95 Elliptical MachineElliptical trainers are nowhere near as popular as rowing machines or exercise bikes, for example, but lots of people do still buy one of these machines that they can use at home instead of in the gym.

That’s because they offer a total body workout (working the arms, legs, shoulders, chest and back), whilst still offering quite a low impact form of exercise.

So they are great for toning up and improving overall fitness levels, and because you can burn around 400 calories in one 30-minute workout, they are also great for weight loss as well.

→ Click here to read our elliptical trainer buyer’s guide

ProForm Pro 2000Treadmills can take up quite a lot of room in your home and can be quite expensive, but they are still worth adding to your home gym if possible because these also offer a range of health and fitness benefits.

These machines allow you to walk or run at your own pace, and will help tone up and strengthen your core abdominal muscles, as well as your calves, glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings.

Treadmills can be a little tougher on your joints than some of the exercise machines listed above if they don’t have a well-cushioned running track, but they can nevertheless help you burn lots of calories, lower cholesterol levels, improve your aerobic capacity and boost your general fitness levels.

→ Click here to read our treadmill buyer’s guide

Strength Training Equipment
Dumbbell WeightsMany people like to buy some kind of cardio machine for toning, fitness and weight loss purposes, but if you want to build muscle, then you will require some form of strength training equipment.

The quickest way to get started is to invest in a pair of dumbbells because you can perform a wide range of different muscle building exercises using these dumbbells, and you will start to see results fairly quickly.

Then later on you might want to think about investing in a weights bench and a barbell because this will enable you to perform the bench press, one of the most popular upper body exercises, and a range of other exercises.

Finally, if you are serious about building muscle, you might want to consider buying a professional multi-functional home gym because this will enable you to work your entire body and perform all of the same muscle building exercises that you can do at your local gym without having to

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